Be a Director means you intentionally direct your child to listen.

As a new listener, your child doesn't know what sound is yet or what's important to listen to. They need to learn and understand all those sounds around them so their brain can start making meaning of them.

This strategy allows your child the opportunity to detect and pay attention to the sounds and speech around them and learn which ones are important.

What It Looks Like

Get your child's attention when there's a sound or person you want them to notice and listen to. Also do this before you begin talking to them.

  • Point to your ear to alert them. Say, "Listen! (pause) I hear that. (pause)" or before talking with them, call their name and say "(Child's name), Listen! (pause)" then start talking to them.
  • Pause and notice if your child alerts to the sound. If they do, help them listen and pay attention. "Yes, I hear the (name of the object or person)." If you're telling them something, wait until they respond to your request to "Listen!" before you begin talking.
Icon for Be a Director LSL Strategy

When you use Be a Director, you’re developing your child's auditory attention.


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