Make Listening and Spoken Language (LSL) a part of everything you do so your child with hearing loss can learn to listen and talk.

You’ll teach your child to listen and talk during the everyday moments in your family’s life, or your routines. The everyday happenings around your house are great listening and language opportunities. 

Tools for LSL Living

There are specific tools you’ll use in these everyday moments and interactions to help your child on their journey to listening and spoken language. By incorporating LSL into your daily life, you’ll be supporting your child in all stages of their development.

A little girl with hearing aids taps a toy hammer playing with her grandma.

Why Are Routines Important?

Every family has its own rhythm and routines. Routines are important in a child’s life. They provide the structure and security children need to support their learning and development. Because they happen every day with regular repetition, they’re predictable and provide lots of opportunities for your child to practice their new and emerging skills. Routines are the perfect place to use the different LSL tools you’re learning in early intervention.

Different Kinds of Routines

Consider the different kinds of routines and the opportunities they provide for your child to learn.

Daily Routines

What happens every day such as dressing, feeding, and reading

Play Routines

Fun activities you like to do with your baby such as peek-a-boo, songs, and toys

Social Routines

When you’re going places such as visiting family, meeting friends, and going shopping

LSL Learning Opportunities Every Day

Use our worksheet to create listening and language learning opportunities in your everyday routines and activities.

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Using LSL in Routines

No matter what routine is happening, you can make it an LSL moment. Talk, sing, and play with your child as part of your everyday interactions to help them learn. Use our handouts for specific tips and examples.


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