Learn with Hearing First

Enhance your knowledge and expand your network with free courses focused on contemporary practice in pediatric audiology and Listening and Spoken Language (LSL).

Explore the Catalog

Take Your Knowledge to the Next Level

Learn about recent and relevant best practices in Listening and Spoken Language (LSL) and pediatric audiology. Get evidence-based strategies you can implement right away and be a part of a community of like-minded learners to lean on.

Courses That Align With Your Learning Goals

Find courses that align with your learning goals, areas of interest, and learning style. Use filters in the course catalog to find the course, area of practice, CE organization, facilitator, date, and format that aligns with your needs.

Pediatric Audiology

Learn the evidence-based clinical knowledge necessary to provide best-practice pediatric hearing healthcare and to stay on the forefront of innovation and research.

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Listening & Spoken Language

From fundamentals to advanced principles, discover the intervention strategies and techniques to help children with hearing loss learn to listen, talk, read, and thrive.

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Counseling & Collaboration

Explore the collaboration and counseling best practices required to support families of children with hearing loss in application to AuD and LSL interventions.

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Video Observation

Watch intervention in action to learn why specific goals, strategies, and activities are used. This can be used for the structured video observations required for becoming LSLS® certified.

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How Do You Learn Best?

Whether you enjoy attending live sessions or you prefer to learn on your own, Hearing First offers courses to fit your unique style of learning.

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Live Online

  • Pre-recorded videos
  • On-demand materials
  • Live interactive sessions
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  • Pre-recorded videos
  • On-demand materials
  • Self-paced learning
View Self-Study Courses


Designed for professionals with novice experience in the content area, introductory courses do not require previous knowledge of the content area.


Courses at the intermediate level are designed for professionals with some familiarity and experience within the content area. Previous knowledge is not essential but recommended.


Advanced courses are designed for professionals with established experience, knowledge, and skill within the content area.

Course Facilitators

You’ll get direct access to leading professionals in their field and area of study. Facilitators are selected based on their research, experience, and expertise. The facilitators for upcoming live online courses and newly added self-study courses include:

Good news! Learning with Hearing First is completely free.

You can stay up-to-date in your practice and earn continuing education credits!

Increase your knowledge, grow your skills, and improve your practice with one-of-a-kind learning.

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49k+ Course Registrations
50+ Courses Available
99% Satisfaction Rate
13k+ Community Members
2k+ Audiologists
55+ Facilitators

About Hearing First

Hearing First exists to empower families on the journey to helping their child with hearing loss learn to listen, talk, read, and thrive. Empowering the adults in a child’s life is a key part of our mission to improve outcomes for children with hearing loss.

Hearing First offers free professional learning opportunities to improve the knowledge and skills of professionals in support of children who are deaf or hard of hearing and their families.

Hear What Learners Have to Say

I absolutely love the information provided by Hearing First Courses. It is practical and yet research based information. After 32 years in audiology, I still have a lot to learn! These courses make learning exciting.
Kim N., MA, MEd, CCC-A
Hearing First learning experiences offer an unbelievable opportunity to level up your knowledge, learning from the best in our field, whether you’re beginning or advanced, to engage with others to problem solve in our professional community, and return again and again for resources that are always available! And all of this is FREE! Hearing First is amazing.
Mary M., LSLS Cert. AVT
I am so grateful for the high quality, excellent, timely resources offered by Hearing First! The free (!) courses are priceless and excellent for all levels of learning. An incredible treasure from an incredible community.
Kathy N., M.Ed., CCC-SLP,