We're Here for You

Hearing First is here to support all families on their journey to Listening and Spoken Language (LSL). Whether you've just received your diagnosis or are watching your child with hearing loss thrive in school, you're invited to join us for connection, community, learning, and support.

Living LSL Logo Here

LSL Learning for Families

Build your LSL skills and get a better understanding of your child’s hearing loss, how their brain works, and ways to help them learn to listen and talk.

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Family Facebook Group

Our private, families-only group will allow for connection, guidance, ideas, and inspiration from other parents — right on Facebook! If you’re looking for a close-knit group of parents who’ve chosen Listening and Spoken Language (LSL) for their child with hearing loss, look no further.

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A woman logs onto her computer.

Family Support Community Logo

Family Support Community

Your go-to place to share experiences, ask questions, and find support. Families from across the country have access to free resources, an open forum to confide in one another, and so much more. 

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Learning Experiences Icon

Learning Experiences

Take a deeper dive into the world of LSL! We have a wide range of online learning experiences taught by industry leaders. Parents are encouraged to participate and learn more about topics ranging from hearing technology, child development, LSL strategies and techniques, and more.

View the Course Catalog


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