Many families consider remote microphone systems for their child with hearing loss in a classroom setting, but they're not just for school anymore!
Even in infancy, these devices can help your child hear you more clearly in any location. They can overcome problems of background noise and distance. In this webinar for families, we’ll explore how you can use remote microphones to increase both the quantity and quality of information that reaches your child’s brain - which then becomes their knowledge, skills, and understanding!
Join us as Dr. Carol Flexer, an expert pediatric audiologist, highlights the amazing benefits of using remote microphones to help your child with hearing loss. She’ll walk you through why they’re important, how they work, and ways to use them in your daily life and routines as well as at school, in the community, or during activities, like soccer practice. Click here to read more about how remote microphones make a difference at home.
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Carol Flexer, Ph.D., CCC/A, LSLS Cert. AVT
Distinguished Professor Emeritus of Audiology, The University of Akron
Dr. Carol Flexer's career has been dedicated to advocating for better listening, learning, and literacy for children with hearing loss. An international lecturer and consultant in pediatric and educational audiology and author of more than 155 publications including 17 books, Dr. Flexer is a past president of the Educational Audiology Association, the American Academy of Audiology, and the AG Bell Academy for Listening and Spoken Language. Dr. Flexer is a Certified Auditory-Verbal Therapist (LSLS Cert. AVT) and a licensed audiologist.
About Living LSL
This webinar is part of Living LSL: A Family Learning Series. These free learning opportunities were designed specifically with parents in mind so you’ll have the skills and know-how to confidently raise your child with hearing loss to listen, talk, and achieve their dreams. We’re sharing what the parenting books likely didn’t prepare you for by covering the essentials of LSL and spelling out the important need-to-know aspects of teaching a child who is deaf or hard of hearing to listen and talk.
Webinars In This Series
Learn more about Living LSL: A Family Learning Series